Please consider the following a retro- post. I wrote it a the beginning of just hasn't made it on to the blog until now.
I feel a narrative coming on so I figured I should start typing. It is hard to believe that I have been in Lawrence, Kansas for almost two weeks now! Three weeks ago I was sitting on the edge of Santa Elena in Venice by the water watching the vaporettos (water buses) pass by and gazing at the twinkling lights on the island of Lido. So between traveling, packing, cleaning, and then physically moving to a new state, I was in a haze for several day. Not to mention, I was pretty exhausted and I started a new job two days after arriving in Lawrence. In retrospect, coming out here two weeks early was advantageous. I am beginning to feel a little more grounded even though my studio looks more settled than my apartment. It will probably remain in this state until I cough up the money for actual furniture ( supplies or a bookshelf?) Classes officially begin next week but I have been in and out of the studio tinkering with some sample pieces.I am making it a goal to write some every other week or at least once a month about studio happenings! In closing, your daily does of randomness (but even random is a pattern): I now live off of 19th Street instead of 18th Street. I decided any parking system that comes with a pamphlet titled “Campus Parking 101”and a PDF with 4 pages of rules (or something like that), is entirely too complicated. I will walk or take the bus thank you very much. I no longer live next to a railroad track but rather a fire department. I have discovered there are 2 apple trees in my “front yard” and a pear tree in front of the art building. I still live a a building that once had lead in the paint so I once again signed a waiver form saying I understand the risk. Lawrence is hot and humid and I am excited for autumn to arrive. Wells Fargo exists in many places all over the US...except Lawrence. Downtown Lawrence is a fabulous place to be and KU has a lovely campus! When requesting a large scanner, only a secretary for an art and design school will ask, “How large? One that you can make a body scan on?”